Monday, August 25, 2008

Nameless Puppy!!

The puppy has arrived. He is adorable and a lot of fun. He has a great personality...a perfect mix of playful and cuddly. The kids are having fun with him and he is really good with the kids. He's not doing so great at housebreaking, but it's only been three days. People told me it was a lot of work and I still think I underestimated it. We went to the vet today and she said the puppy looks great. He is just under 10 pounds right now. It's a fun size and I'm sure it won't last long. If only we had a name.

Random picture of Audrey doing a push up...too cute to not share.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

the growing brood

The brood is growing. The good news is this time there will be no baby weight involved. We are getting a dog. He is a goldendoodle and should be about 30 pounds when full grown. He arrives this Friday. We need help with a name. Any ideas? We would love any name suggestions and puppy training advice. I'll update the blog with pictures from our marathon vacation soon. We are still getting unpacked!